
I was fortunate to be able to assist with the script for the documentary 'Built for Destruction', Tornado, which was shown internationally on the National Geographic Channel in 2003. During the making of the production I spent many hours piecing together text within the producers formatted pages online. This information was editted and re editted several times. I was even more encouraged to see that many of my sentences were narrated word for word as written in my final script. The other two suppliers of the technical script were Dr Howard Bluestien and Josh Werman.

In 2002 I had an article published in the 'Stars & Stripes' US forces overseas magazine. The guys over here on duty wanted to know how many tornadoes actually occurred in the UK and what conditions were associated with such events!
Here is the Birmingham Tornado Conference Flyer that I produced for TORRO

TORRO was devoid of any written constitution till 2005. Two years prior to this submission I could see the necessity for the application of a full constitution in order to facilitate any applications for TORRO funding in the future. After many provisional copies were editted then re submitted the full and final version was made available. I would like to thank the other staff involved who helped greatly with the editting of this important paper. The full version now consists of four a4 pages.

My abstract was accepted for the Journal of Atmospheric Research 2004